Saddle of custom-made CSO conceived(designed) for the sport and the competition … Completely realized in the hand, your saddle will be realized to measure according to your expectations(waits) and to your needs. She(it) is built on a pommel of the French arçonnerie, protected from quality and from longevity. For a personalized estimate, thank you for contacting us
Custom made Jumping saddle with high-quality French leather. Available in all sizes.
The shape of the seat (flat or deep) and the whole saddle is designed to give maximum comfort, perfect balance and maximum contact.
All our saddles are custom made and only on order which enables us to propose a unique and personalized article.
The articles made by Atelier de Pravins are made with high quality materials, using expert skills, for demanding clients who require a reliable and high quality article.
Contact the workshop for more information!